I first met Shinya Yamada in an Izakaya restaurant in the East Village. He runs a family business making kimonos in Kyoto, Japan and was just passing through New York. As the night progressed I found out the real reason behind his visit, which was following his passion for rap music and his dream of performing in Harlem. I just had to see this. So I went and brought along my camera…

a RECORD NEW YORK documentary

Shot and recorded live in Harlem

Featuring: Shinya Yamada from Guerrilla Radio
Direction & Edit: Stephan Knuesel  (knuesel.net)
Cameras: Stephan Knuesel & Momo Vilaitanarak
Sound Mix: J.Allen  (joshallensound.com)
Translations (Interviews): Yumi Kurosawa
Translations (Subtitles): Ai Tomiki
Production: Thom Pictures
© 2014 Thom Pictures Inc. & Guerrilla Radio / Shinya Yamada

View the #RecNY session with Guerrilla Radio here


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