“Astro Turf” by Cameron Orr
July 14, 2015Meet Cameron Orr, a looping artist based in Brooklyn New York. I’ve heard Cameron play a few times on Houston street on the B train platform while waiting for the train. His music is mesmerizing and sensitive. It creates an interesting contrast to the noisy and impatient ambience on the platform. Cameron Orr makes in many ways the perfect subway waiting soundtrack. I wanted to thank him with this video. Hope you enjoy it too!
Shot and recorded live on the Atlantic Avenue B Train platform in Brooklyn on May 17, 2015
Artist: Cameron Orr (cameronorrmusic.com)
Song: Astro Turf
Direction & Camera: Stephan Knuesel (knuesel.net)
Sound Mix: J.Allen (joshallensound.com)
Production: Thom Pictures
© 2015 Thom Pictures Inc. & Cameron Orr